Twitter Block Chain

Description of the Twitter Block Chain Chrome Extension

Name Twitter Block Chain
Store URL
Tagline Blocks all users on a following/followers page.
Rating 2.73
Rating Count
Installs 60000
Overview Reduce the damage done by retweeting and dogpiling. Simply navigate to a user’s followers/following page and activate the extension by clicking the icon next to the omnibox/address bar. The extension does not block users you are following, or re-block users that have already been blocked. You can also export and import lists of followers in a special format. If an abusive user has blocked you, you can use the export function to retrieve the list of their followers/followings after logging out, and then import the result after logging back in to Twitter. View blocking receipts and add protected users by right clicking the extension’s icon and choosing “Options.” Please report issues on GitHub: Source available here:
Version 1.8.3
Size 299KiB
Developer Name devFluid
Updated Date 2019-05-20

Twitter Block Chain looks like a great Chrome extension that has hundreds of thousands of installs already. The latest version is only 299KiB.