Wow this is an awesome template. THank you freetemplatespot.
Markus, have you worked with it?
I tried downloading it and it works perfectly. The only problem I am having is that when I create sub-menu items for the [menuload] menus, the hover over function is not working for me. In other words, I hover over when I am on the main page, and the sub-menus won’t come up, unless I go to each specific page…
If you know how to fix this problem, I would really appreciate it!
You just have to enable submenu items in the “menu” module.
Thank you!
There is an JavaScript error in template.
In file: templates/ifreedom-fjt/slideshow/init.js
there should be following code with an IF, because without it, JavaScript breaks on other pages then home where isn’t slider.
window.addEvent('domready', function () {
// initialize Nivoo-Slider
if ($('Slider')) new NivooSlider($('Slider'), {
effect: 'random',
interval: 5000,
orientation: 'random'
Thank you for the solution. I will add it to the template.
When I tried registering a new user as “registered user”, activate the account, then log in as the registered user, all the font styles change on the pages (and due to the bigger sizes, my menus get all messy). This login action also disables the currently “Twitter feed” I have on the page.
I would like for the registered users to have the same CSS styles aplied for the site. I really don’t know why the CSS is behaving that way. I have tried to search for a specific CSS for “registered, admins, special, etc… users”, but templates only come with their general CSS pages and the main page template.
I have also tried to look into the global settings and user settings, but can’t seem to find the answer.
I need help with this issue…
Also… I am interested in purchasing a license to have the “footer” remove, is this possible?
I will take a look regarding the first issue. Contact me via the contact form regarding the license question.
I took a look and I have the same CSS after I log in with a new user. The error must come from somewhere else.
Hello, I like your template, and I would like to know if I could get an idea for including the slideshow to every item.
I do not know if it is the problem which Perfect-Web mentionned.
Thank you
You can enable the slideshow on every page by deleting the following lines:
You have to leave the line which is marked here with ….
I am using your template and i reaaly liked it. After enable the slideshow on every page, I think it will look more perfect if every page could start from the last displayed image. I hope somebody could do this.
I have added this feature in the newest template.
I tried making the slideshow appear on all menu items but had no luck.
and delete everything but this line params->get( 'slidedisable' )) : ?>
thank u very much for the help, now i can use your nice template!
one more hint could be helpful:
the codesource is in index.php
thx and bye
Which file are you talking about?
Hi, I removed the lines of code but still the same, slideshow only appearing on the home page? Any ideas? Thank you very much!
Sorry for interruption. I made it, I was editing a wrong template folder! 😀
thank you so much! I love you! :*
I found out that the previous problem (changes in the page’s font sizes or CSS after logging in) is a web browser error. So far, it does not work with Chrome 19.0… and IE9 9.0…
Is there a way to solve this so that the template maintains the same layout whether you are logged in or not?
If there are not solutions for “Free templates” I would like to know if this problem can be solved if we decide to purchase a template license. Thank you!
I have tried the same template and it’s working fine for me. For security reasons I have not approved your other comment. Try downloading the template again.
I forgot to mention that this happens when my site is accessed via HTTPS not HTTP, using IE9 and Chrome… You don’t even need to try to log in, my menu font changes by simply accessing the site with HTTPS in the address (I need my site to be HTTPS, that is why I am concerned about this issue).
how do i add images to the slide show? i cant find the module for slideshow. on the template options i see u can add a url of an image but i cant get it.
You have to add it manually to your slideshow folder. The name must be the same for the image files.
I too love the template – thanks. I am trying to add up to 10 images for the slideshow and I ant to add meaningful captions. When I look at the source I see this –
How do I add the title information?
Apologies if this sounds a bit simple, but I am very new to Joomla.
Any help gratefully received!!
You could also do it manually via http://FTP... go to the templates folder, iFreedom template and find the slideshow folder. Images should be named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg and 4.jpg
I would like to know if it is possible to kill the time stamp in the footer of Ifreedom-fjt and on what sheet & line do I place the code?
@David: I believe this is possible. If you go to the template, and click on the the link under “template” -not “style”, then click under the “main page template”, you will find the time stamp all the way at the end of the page: . This you could kill (Anyone, correct me if I am wrong?), but DO NOT touch the copyright section.
Hope this helps
I am using your template and i reaaly liked it. There is only one problem with contact information. When I use another template, I can see my contact information, however, with this template, I could not manage to see the information. I can only see the title of contact.
Could you please help me with that? How can I solve this?
This is already fixed. Please redownload the template.
Thank you for the template, but I need your help to remove the border in the table or change the color of the border in white. Please help me!
I download this template but when I change the logo there is a text over the logo saying “custom slogan” how do I remove I can’t seem to find it anywhere on the code.
I have been trying to test this template because I am strongly considering purchasing a license… But we have found difficulties because our website is encrypted (HTTPS)… Every time a default Joomla! template is used, we have no problems accessing the site and it shows the encryption information that prevents eavesdropping along with a certificate.
After installing the iFreedom template, and then trying to access the site via HTTPS, Google Chrome and Firefox display a message saying that the site has insecure content.
Is this a common issue? Are you working on content security for the template? How do I solve this?
Thank you!
I love the iFreedom template. It looks fantastic and it just what I need for my site.
but when I load the meanu menu in the menuload position it seems to display in the banner area.
Do you have any hints on how I can fix it.
I’ve loaded the outsourcing template which seems to work fine.
Please let me know if you require any other details.
Is it possible to use more then 4 images for the slideshow?
Can anyone of the admin’s answer this question and mine ?!?
Can someone tell me if the HTTPS issue on IE9 and Chrome is going to be solved or not? I posted last week but my post never got published and I have not received an answer yet.
I really really appreciate your help since we need to move forward with our site, and unfortunately if this issue is not solved, we are gonig to have to buy a different template.
I have found that error only on your website. I don’t know how to fix it.
am having this error
Strict Standards: Non-static method JSite::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\xampp\htdocs\Utukufumedia\templates\ifreedom-fjt\index.php on line 57
Great template. I placed my logo that is 100 height in the template and changed the #header css from height 89px to 100px to accommodate the change. It works perfectly, except in IE, it creates a gap between main content and bottom. Ideas?
Update-This template worked fine when I changed the height of the logo area. The problem was in the ecoPlanet, not iFreedom. Sorry for the confusion.
I am trying to remove the google translate and Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3 to the left side bar of the template instead of the right side. How do I go about doing so?
I checked the demo for this template in IE9. The top right menu does not display properly. The spacing between search and menu is off. It’s pushed left, and not above the search area. Is there an update? Thank you for this template!
I am using your template, its very usefull and i reaaly liked it. There is only one problem with contact information. When I use another template, I can see my contact information in the correct order and position, however, with this template, I found the “message field” in the wrong place. its just beside the Name field, and does not look as a message form to fill.
Could you please help me with that? How can I solve this?
I am using your template, its very usefull and i reaaly liked it. There is only one problem with contact information. When I use another template, I can see my contact information in the correct order and position, however, with this template, I found the “message field” in the wrong place. its just beside the Name field, and does not look as a message form to fill.
plase visit my webpage to see what is wrong.
Could you please help me with that? How can I solve this?
Im sorry for the duplicate message. please delet the first one becouse the secon one is teh one who has the “Notify me of follow-up comments by email.”
Sorry and great template again!
How can I get the menu items at position-0 to be bigger?
I have the same question, but i want to remove the Tabs mod. But I can’t find it…
Great template. Am using is for my own personal website but for some reason the publish date does show on any of the articles. The article says publish date but doesn’t put a date after it.
I have checked and my settings all seem to suggest that the date should be showing. Any ideas?
Great template guys, really good work. Could you help me out with the sidebars though? I extended the size to 400px because I wanted to use only two columns, it works fine except that the module titles have the background splitting into two (obviously the curve effect doesn’t change with the size). Thanks
how to change the footer in the template Joomla 2.5 Template by his words?
Hi, I just want to ask how to put content in the middle in your template? I am just starting to start learning joomla. Thanks so much.
Hi, I just want to ask how to put content in the middle in your template? I am just starting to learn joomla. Thanks so much.
Hi! Nice template, but when i install it on my wamp server(on my own computer i get this error message. Can you help me about it ?
! ) Notice: Undefined property: ContentViewFeatured::$print in C:\wamp\www\joomla25\templates\ifreedom-fjt\html\com_content\featured\default_item.php on line 67
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0004 380656 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.0855 5889904 JSite->dispatch( ) ..\index.php:42
3 0.0936 6270520 JComponentHelper::renderComponent( ) ..\application.php:197
4 0.0973 6289888 JComponentHelper::executeComponent( ) ..\helper.php:351
5 0.0979 6336608 require_once( ‘C:\wamp\www\joomla25\components\com_content\content.php’ ) ..\helper.php:383
6 0.1051 6784520 JController->execute( ) ..\content.php:16
7 0.1051 6784568 ContentController->display( ) ..\controller.php:760
8 0.1171 7706208 JController->display( ) ..\controller.php:74
9 0.1294 8669136 ContentViewFeatured->display( ) ..\controller.php:721
10 0.1692 9589192 JView->display( ) ..\view.html.php:129
11 0.1692 9589192 JView->loadTemplate( ) ..\view.php:205
12 0.1720 9668240 include( ‘C:\wamp\www\joomla25\templates\ifreedom-fjt\html\com_content\featured\default.php’ ) ..\view.php:649
13 0.1727 9702808 require( ‘C:\wamp\www\joomla25\components\com_content\views\featured\tmpl\default.php’ ) ..\default.php:17
14 0.1728 9703184 JView->loadTemplate( ) ..\default.php:31
15 0.1762 9846040 include( ‘C:\wamp\www\joomla25\templates\ifreedom-fjt\html\com_content\featured\default_item.php’ ) ..\view.php:649
Please check the documentation for this.
I tried to add 4 .jpg’s extra to the Slideshow-folder and made an update in TemplateDetails (4 roles extra)and in NivooSlider.js (count=8) to accomplishe my wish. But I missed something perhaps because it won’t work.
How can I add 4 .jpg’s, so I can display in that way 8 pics in the slider ?
I also want de header shown’at all pages, but I can see that there is allready an answer for that in the comments here.
Thanx in advance !
boa noite galera eu instalei o tema, mas as imagens do slaidshow nao passa, alguem poe me ajudar??
Sometimes module titles or Top menu title are coming together (overlapping one another)
Could you help me
Gret template. However, I’m trying to change the logo with my own, but I can’t seem to find the correct shade of grey, so that the logo falls in line with the back ground. Any suggestions to how to find the exact same shade of grey as used in the default logo?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, is there any way to modify top menu background color? I redrawed mainmenu.png file with my choosed color but I still get seperating lines between … Any advise what I still need to do to avoid these seperating lines? Thank you.
Hi there. I can’t get the slideshow to work at all. It’s stuck on the first image. I’ve tried uploading 4 images, but it doesn’t budge. Can you help pls.
I´m trying to use your Template, but the Slideshow dosnt work. I´ve tried to write this in the URL 1: /templates/ifreedom-fjt/slideshow/1.jpg and /1.jpg. Nothing happens. Could you please help me out of this?
The contact form does not show correctly. The inputs are not aligned.
How to fix it?
I really love your template…is there a way to add more slideshows?
ok already resolved my last to add items in drop down list?
Hello, can anyone tell me the name of the ‘main content’ module position???????? topuser1,2,3 do not seem to work, nor, tguser, so, I am using ‘copyright’ which is off-center and not on the MODULE_POSITION.jpg either…ugh….thanks in advance.. anyone please? Is there an updated .jpg by any chance?
I have created 4menus . The problem in my template is that slide show is not coming in all the pages . slide show is coming only in the home page . Pls guide me what to do.
Hi All
I would like to use this template for rtl(right to left) language.
How can i do that?
Wow this is an awesome template. THank you freetemplatespot.
Markus, have you worked with it?
I tried downloading it and it works perfectly. The only problem I am having is that when I create sub-menu items for the [menuload] menus, the hover over function is not working for me. In other words, I hover over when I am on the main page, and the sub-menus won’t come up, unless I go to each specific page…
If you know how to fix this problem, I would really appreciate it!
You just have to enable submenu items in the “menu” module.
Thank you!
There is an JavaScript error in template.
In file: templates/ifreedom-fjt/slideshow/init.js
there should be following code with an IF, because without it, JavaScript breaks on other pages then home where isn’t slider.
window.addEvent('domready', function () {
// initialize Nivoo-Slider
if ($('Slider')) new NivooSlider($('Slider'), {
effect: 'random',
interval: 5000,
orientation: 'random'
Thank you for the solution. I will add it to the template.
When I tried registering a new user as “registered user”, activate the account, then log in as the registered user, all the font styles change on the pages (and due to the bigger sizes, my menus get all messy). This login action also disables the currently “Twitter feed” I have on the page.
I would like for the registered users to have the same CSS styles aplied for the site. I really don’t know why the CSS is behaving that way. I have tried to search for a specific CSS for “registered, admins, special, etc… users”, but templates only come with their general CSS pages and the main page template.
I have also tried to look into the global settings and user settings, but can’t seem to find the answer.
I need help with this issue…
Also… I am interested in purchasing a license to have the “footer” remove, is this possible?
I will take a look regarding the first issue. Contact me via the contact form regarding the license question.
I took a look and I have the same CSS after I log in with a new user. The error must come from somewhere else.
Hello, I like your template, and I would like to know if I could get an idea for including the slideshow to every item.
I do not know if it is the problem which Perfect-Web mentionned.
Thank you
You can enable the slideshow on every page by deleting the following lines:
getActive() == $menu->getDefault($lang->getTag())) { ?>
You have to leave the line which is marked here with ….
I am using your template and i reaaly liked it. After enable the slideshow on every page, I think it will look more perfect if every page could start from the last displayed image. I hope somebody could do this.
I have added this feature in the newest template.
I tried making the slideshow appear on all menu items but had no luck.
I delete the lines:
getActive() == $menu->getDefault($lang->getTag())) { ?>
And Kept only
But it doesn’t work.
first of all, thanks for the nice template.
i tried to activate the slideshow on every page and
deleted the lines:
getActive() == $menu->getDefault($lang->getTag())) { ?>
in \iFreedom-QJT\modules\slideshow-homepage.php
– but its still not working. are there any other settings/code i have to consider?
thanks for your time
TO get the slideshow working on all pages look for
getActive() == $menu->getDefault($lang->getTag())) { ?>
params->get( 'slidedisable' )) : ?>
and delete everything but this line
params->get( 'slidedisable' )) : ?>
thank u very much for the help, now i can use your nice template!
one more hint could be helpful:
the codesource is in index.php
thx and bye
Which file are you talking about?
Hi, I removed the lines of code but still the same, slideshow only appearing on the home page? Any ideas? Thank you very much!
Sorry for interruption. I made it, I was editing a wrong template folder! 😀
thank you so much! I love you! :*
I found out that the previous problem (changes in the page’s font sizes or CSS after logging in) is a web browser error. So far, it does not work with Chrome 19.0… and IE9 9.0…
Is there a way to solve this so that the template maintains the same layout whether you are logged in or not?
If there are not solutions for “Free templates” I would like to know if this problem can be solved if we decide to purchase a template license. Thank you!
I have tried the same template and it’s working fine for me. For security reasons I have not approved your other comment. Try downloading the template again.
I forgot to mention that this happens when my site is accessed via HTTPS not HTTP, using IE9 and Chrome… You don’t even need to try to log in, my menu font changes by simply accessing the site with HTTPS in the address (I need my site to be HTTPS, that is why I am concerned about this issue).
how do i add images to the slide show? i cant find the module for slideshow. on the template options i see u can add a url of an image but i cant get it.
You have to add it manually to your slideshow folder. The name must be the same for the image files.
I too love the template – thanks. I am trying to add up to 10 images for the slideshow and I ant to add meaningful captions. When I look at the source I see this –
How do I add the title information?
Apologies if this sounds a bit simple, but I am very new to Joomla.
Any help gratefully received!!
You could also do it manually via http://FTP... go to the templates folder, iFreedom template and find the slideshow folder. Images should be named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg and 4.jpg
I would like to know if it is possible to kill the time stamp in the footer of Ifreedom-fjt and on what sheet & line do I place the code?
@David: I believe this is possible. If you go to the template, and click on the the link under “template” -not “style”, then click under the “main page template”, you will find the time stamp all the way at the end of the page: . This you could kill (Anyone, correct me if I am wrong?), but DO NOT touch the copyright section.
Hope this helps
I am using your template and i reaaly liked it. There is only one problem with contact information. When I use another template, I can see my contact information, however, with this template, I could not manage to see the information. I can only see the title of contact.
Could you please help me with that? How can I solve this?
This is already fixed. Please redownload the template.
Thank you for the template, but I need your help to remove the border in the table or change the color of the border in white. Please help me!
I download this template but when I change the logo there is a text over the logo saying “custom slogan” how do I remove I can’t seem to find it anywhere on the code.
I have been trying to test this template because I am strongly considering purchasing a license… But we have found difficulties because our website is encrypted (HTTPS)… Every time a default Joomla! template is used, we have no problems accessing the site and it shows the encryption information that prevents eavesdropping along with a certificate.
After installing the iFreedom template, and then trying to access the site via HTTPS, Google Chrome and Firefox display a message saying that the site has insecure content.
Is this a common issue? Are you working on content security for the template? How do I solve this?
Thank you!
I love the iFreedom template. It looks fantastic and it just what I need for my site.
but when I load the meanu menu in the menuload position it seems to display in the banner area.
Do you have any hints on how I can fix it.
I’ve loaded the outsourcing template which seems to work fine.
Please let me know if you require any other details.
Is it possible to use more then 4 images for the slideshow?
Can anyone of the admin’s answer this question and mine ?!?
Can someone tell me if the HTTPS issue on IE9 and Chrome is going to be solved or not? I posted last week but my post never got published and I have not received an answer yet.
I really really appreciate your help since we need to move forward with our site, and unfortunately if this issue is not solved, we are gonig to have to buy a different template.
I have found that error only on your website. I don’t know how to fix it.
am having this error
Strict Standards: Non-static method JSite::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\xampp\htdocs\Utukufumedia\templates\ifreedom-fjt\index.php on line 57
read this
Great template. I placed my logo that is 100 height in the template and changed the #header css from height 89px to 100px to accommodate the change. It works perfectly, except in IE, it creates a gap between main content and bottom. Ideas?
Update-This template worked fine when I changed the height of the logo area. The problem was in the ecoPlanet, not iFreedom. Sorry for the confusion.
I am trying to remove the google translate and Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3 to the left side bar of the template instead of the right side. How do I go about doing so?
I checked the demo for this template in IE9. The top right menu does not display properly. The spacing between search and menu is off. It’s pushed left, and not above the search area. Is there an update? Thank you for this template!
I am using your template, its very usefull and i reaaly liked it. There is only one problem with contact information. When I use another template, I can see my contact information in the correct order and position, however, with this template, I found the “message field” in the wrong place. its just beside the Name field, and does not look as a message form to fill.
plase visit my webpage to see what is wrong.
Could you please help me with that? How can I solve this?
I am using your template, its very usefull and i reaaly liked it. There is only one problem with contact information. When I use another template, I can see my contact information in the correct order and position, however, with this template, I found the “message field” in the wrong place. its just beside the Name field, and does not look as a message form to fill.
plase visit my webpage to see what is wrong.
Could you please help me with that? How can I solve this?
Im sorry for the duplicate message. please delet the first one becouse the secon one is teh one who has the “Notify me of follow-up comments by email.”
Sorry and great template again!
How can I get the menu items at position-0 to be bigger?
I have the same question, but i want to remove the Tabs mod. But I can’t find it…
Great template. Am using is for my own personal website but for some reason the publish date does show on any of the articles. The article says publish date but doesn’t put a date after it.
I have checked and my settings all seem to suggest that the date should be showing. Any ideas?
Great template guys, really good work. Could you help me out with the sidebars though? I extended the size to 400px because I wanted to use only two columns, it works fine except that the module titles have the background splitting into two (obviously the curve effect doesn’t change with the size). Thanks
how to change the footer in the template Joomla 2.5 Template by his words?
Hi, I just want to ask how to put content in the middle in your template? I am just starting to start learning joomla. Thanks so much.
Hi, I just want to ask how to put content in the middle in your template? I am just starting to learn joomla. Thanks so much.
Hi! Nice template, but when i install it on my wamp server(on my own computer i get this error message. Can you help me about it ?
! ) Notice: Undefined property: ContentViewFeatured::$print in C:\wamp\www\joomla25\templates\ifreedom-fjt\html\com_content\featured\default_item.php on line 67
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0004 380656 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
2 0.0855 5889904 JSite->dispatch( ) ..\index.php:42
3 0.0936 6270520 JComponentHelper::renderComponent( ) ..\application.php:197
4 0.0973 6289888 JComponentHelper::executeComponent( ) ..\helper.php:351
5 0.0979 6336608 require_once( ‘C:\wamp\www\joomla25\components\com_content\content.php’ ) ..\helper.php:383
6 0.1051 6784520 JController->execute( ) ..\content.php:16
7 0.1051 6784568 ContentController->display( ) ..\controller.php:760
8 0.1171 7706208 JController->display( ) ..\controller.php:74
9 0.1294 8669136 ContentViewFeatured->display( ) ..\controller.php:721
10 0.1692 9589192 JView->display( ) ..\view.html.php:129
11 0.1692 9589192 JView->loadTemplate( ) ..\view.php:205
12 0.1720 9668240 include( ‘C:\wamp\www\joomla25\templates\ifreedom-fjt\html\com_content\featured\default.php’ ) ..\view.php:649
13 0.1727 9702808 require( ‘C:\wamp\www\joomla25\components\com_content\views\featured\tmpl\default.php’ ) ..\default.php:17
14 0.1728 9703184 JView->loadTemplate( ) ..\default.php:31
15 0.1762 9846040 include( ‘C:\wamp\www\joomla25\templates\ifreedom-fjt\html\com_content\featured\default_item.php’ ) ..\view.php:649
Please check the documentation for this.
I tried to add 4 .jpg’s extra to the Slideshow-folder and made an update in TemplateDetails (4 roles extra)and in NivooSlider.js (count=8) to accomplishe my wish. But I missed something perhaps because it won’t work.
How can I add 4 .jpg’s, so I can display in that way 8 pics in the slider ?
I also want de header shown’at all pages, but I can see that there is allready an answer for that in the comments here.
Thanx in advance !
boa noite galera eu instalei o tema, mas as imagens do slaidshow nao passa, alguem poe me ajudar??
Sometimes module titles or Top menu title are coming together (overlapping one another)
Could you help me
Gret template. However, I’m trying to change the logo with my own, but I can’t seem to find the correct shade of grey, so that the logo falls in line with the back ground. Any suggestions to how to find the exact same shade of grey as used in the default logo?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, is there any way to modify top menu background color? I redrawed mainmenu.png file with my choosed color but I still get seperating lines between … Any advise what I still need to do to avoid these seperating lines? Thank you.
Hi there. I can’t get the slideshow to work at all. It’s stuck on the first image. I’ve tried uploading 4 images, but it doesn’t budge. Can you help pls.
I´m trying to use your Template, but the Slideshow dosnt work. I´ve tried to write this in the URL 1: /templates/ifreedom-fjt/slideshow/1.jpg and /1.jpg. Nothing happens. Could you please help me out of this?
The contact form does not show correctly. The inputs are not aligned.
How to fix it?
I really love your template…is there a way to add more slideshows?
ok already resolved my last to add items in drop down list?
Hello, can anyone tell me the name of the ‘main content’ module position???????? topuser1,2,3 do not seem to work, nor, tguser, so, I am using ‘copyright’ which is off-center and not on the MODULE_POSITION.jpg either…ugh….thanks in advance.. anyone please? Is there an updated .jpg by any chance?
I have created 4menus . The problem in my template is that slide show is not coming in all the pages . slide show is coming only in the home page . Pls guide me what to do.
Hi All
I would like to use this template for rtl(right to left) language.
How can i do that?